We all know that summer comes and goes but your great and only host.
The critic NIKKI.
Best Club song (In Miami trick) by LMFAO
Stupidest song that everyone loves (LoveGame) by Lady GAGA
Best stupid show (Parental Control)
Best magic show(Cris angel Mindfreak)
Worst dater(Nick Jonas)
Kindest Cleberty(Anglena Jolie)
Craziest Cleberty(It's Britney ****)
Best dancer(Nikki Critic) JOKING THE REAL AWARD GOES TO(Shakira) In She wolf Music video.
Worst dancer on a pole(Miley Cyrus)
World favorite summer treat(Ice cream soft serve)
Best summer shoes( Flip flops)
Best Summer hang site(Beach)
Well this concludes our show see us next October 12th on
Biggest Disney Channel failures.