Since i was in 3rd grade maybe younger i struggled with acne mostly on my forehead.
It sucks i had horrible acne and I really did not think about it until I went to my job and came home with a text calling me a a pimply b**** and then I had waited 9 years way to long!
So I need to get the word out now that can help anybody!
Get back to school while you still are cool! Acne free
Acne is a hard thing to deal with especially when your a child or adult. Plus acne can prevent dates and being attractive in some ways to some people but there are thousands of ways to stop the acne blues.
1st Try your best to sleep and nap on your back not your face because there may be bacteria on your pillow and when you sleep you sweat.
2nd Try to avoid the rumors like toothpaste really help acne or lemon juice on your face clears acne over night. Clearly if that worked it would be a cure for acne but for some people it works but others it can destroy the gentle layers of your skin because toothpaste and lemons are for your mouth not your face. Also your face absorbs everything on it so when you touch your face and make it dirty that may cause blackheads,pimples,and may cause other skin impurities. If your acne is on your back,chest,legs,or other areas try to avoid wearing skinny shirts,skinny jeans and other tight clothing that's not breathable cotton.
3rd Take your vitamins like crazy. Vitamin C,D,and E are helpful to your skin. Garlic also helps kills bacteria in your pores by killing the germs. And also drinking as much water can make your acne treatments do wonders because it flushes all the bacteria out of your system by going straight in and out of your system.
4th Do not buy the cheap solutions because think,why would people really want to help you cure your problem with not getting much cash out of your problem and they may use things that could dry your skin. Still try acne solutions but do not over do the treatments because that can dry your skin or make it way to oily. Try something like a knock off brand of a three piece kit that has toner,face wash,and moisturizer normally at the local mall or a super center that sells acne products.
5th Pop it (if you know what your doing). Popping the infected areas can push the infection deeper into the skin. If you do know what your doing you need to take all of the zit/dirt out or it will be more infected.
6th Know when your acne is not normal see help like a doctor or dermatologist because tips can only help so much but your the only one who can make a difference and see a doctor.
7th Maybe it is not acne! It is not always acne it may be an allergic reaction to something.
Here are some free trials and free coupons for acne medicines and products
https://www.triclear.com/index.html?p=8a8488010f82a1e6010f82a3caed00bd&r=8aa081ca1f15df6e011f252c07e741d8&SUBID=41101 (free 100% shipping and all)
http://www.proactiv.com/free/ (what it is is you only pay for shipping) GREAT DEAL HARD TO FIND YOU NEED IT GET IT!
http://www.acne-info.us/exposed-review.html ( a discount)
*Life of The Critic*
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