Tuesday, April 20

Life of the critic

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@M8ke it pop!

Reebok easytone shoes

The Reebok easytone shoes look so amazing. I would love them! They look like such good shoes. They are addorable! I don't know anything about them besides that they are better than normal shoes because
They tone your legs and hamstrings. Any shoes that make you heathy without extra work would work with my life. Also they would be great for my two hours of cheer practice. And since they are padded, they will make stunting more weightless.

@M8ke it pop!

Ever class has…

I love this picture because this is so true!
I was in the BFFS group,
Gossiping machine, or
Queen bee.
What do you think I am? What are you? Why?

@M8ke it pop!


I have widely spaced teeth and I have wanted invisible braces or invisilign. So this summer mabey invisilngn is in my future. If I do get invisilign I will document my progress.

@M8ke it pop!