Sunday, July 26

Why the role models?

In the 1950s and since Disney has been out why do they always have men saving women?
Where in 2009 not the STONE AGE!That's so not fair how women get saved by men. All the Disney princesses get saved by men or lured by men. Even some movies now like Confessions of a teenage drama queen and The Lizzie McGuire Movie they get captivated by men and these shows are directed at 6-13 and normally that age are only dreaming about sneaking out of there house and breaking the rules to go get with a man. This never is the real world! No one really sneaks out to see a guy or no one really get captivated by a man that they all get in so much trouble! The only real movie that encourages girls to be as strong and brave as the stereo type of how men are supposed to be is Mulan but that's one out of many Disney Princesses.
*Life of the Critic*

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